Nord Wave 2 program change number calculator

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Nord Wave 2 program change number calculator

Post by mikkop »

Hello fellow nord users!

Today I finally decided to figure out what to do with the utterly weird program bank numbering system of my recently acquired Wave 2.
My problem: I very often use other gear (Fantom-07) or software (Gig Performer) to change sounds on all of my synths via MIDI PC messages.
With my old Wave 1 and Prophet Rev2 for example, the program slots in each bank are logically numbered from 1-127, so very standard MIDI stuff. This way I don't need to reorganize my patches saved on the Prophet, as long as the program change numbers are correctly set on my Fantom I can use the setlist function on that synth and get the right sounds from Prophet every time.

But who wants to tell me what Program Change value will make my Nord Wave 2 switch to Bank D, program 42? The answer is most obviously not LSB 3, PC 41, like it would be on more MIDI-friendly devices. The correct answer is actually LSB 0, PC 91. How very nice. :facepalm:

Sooo I spent a little while pondering this with GPT 4o and after a while there was a mathemathical formula for calculating the right number.
After getting the formula, I used Grimoire to produce a simple browser based calculator.
Now if I wish to have the correct LSB and PC numbers for my master controller, I input the Bank and patch number to this calculator and it will give me the correct PC number to use. In Wave 2, banks A–E are accessed via LSB 0, banks F-J LSB 1 and K-P LSB 2.
So for example, for program 51 on bank N, this calculator will output LSB 2, PC 95. I input these on my Fantom-07, and the sounds will switch correctly on both devices. Same applies when using forScore, MobileSheets, Gig Performer or any controller.

This tool has sped up my workflow quite a bit today. Feel free to try it out. (Unfortunately, bank P values start going above the MIDI PC maximum, so this will only work between banks A–O, but that's plenty enough of banks for me)
Näyttökuva 2024-10-07 kello 18.27.02.png
Näyttökuva 2024-10-07 kello 18.27.02.png (54.88 KiB) Viewed 3364 times
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