Tips/Tricks/Anything I should know as an incoming NS4 owner?
- Mighty Motif Max
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Tips/Tricks/Anything I should know as an incoming NS4 owner?
Hello friends,
I am finalizing some details on purchasing an NS4-88 within the month. I thought it could be interesting to see what y'all have to say in terms of suggestions, tips, or anything you wish you had known about the NS4 before you got yours. I'm coming from a background with Yamaha MOTIF's and Roland Fantoms, while my most recent gigging rigs have been a Kurzweil PC4 + MODX, and a Hammond SK PRO plus a MODX. I'm making the change primarily due to the variety of high-quality piano samples, as that has been one area needing improvement in my gear since I quit gigging my Motif XF8 due to weight restrictions.
I have had some basic experience playing NS3's the past few years. I've done a lot of reading on this forum over the past year or so and have kept up with the bugs/feature requests for OS versions. Things I already know that will be an adjustment for me are (1) FX being pre-fader, (2) aux midi keyboard CC's not being fully implemented, even for things like the mod wheel, and (3) limited split point options.
What do you wish you knew before you got your NS4?
Many thanks!
I am finalizing some details on purchasing an NS4-88 within the month. I thought it could be interesting to see what y'all have to say in terms of suggestions, tips, or anything you wish you had known about the NS4 before you got yours. I'm coming from a background with Yamaha MOTIF's and Roland Fantoms, while my most recent gigging rigs have been a Kurzweil PC4 + MODX, and a Hammond SK PRO plus a MODX. I'm making the change primarily due to the variety of high-quality piano samples, as that has been one area needing improvement in my gear since I quit gigging my Motif XF8 due to weight restrictions.
I have had some basic experience playing NS3's the past few years. I've done a lot of reading on this forum over the past year or so and have kept up with the bugs/feature requests for OS versions. Things I already know that will be an adjustment for me are (1) FX being pre-fader, (2) aux midi keyboard CC's not being fully implemented, even for things like the mod wheel, and (3) limited split point options.
What do you wish you knew before you got your NS4?
Many thanks!
Pro Gear: Nord: Stage 4 88 | Yamaha: MODX7, YS200 | Roland: Fantom 7 EX, JV-1000 | Kurzweil: PC3-76 | Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Technics: WSA1R | Controllers: Launchkey 37 MK3, Keylab 61 MKII | Akai: MPC One+
- M_a_c
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Re: Tips/Tricks/Anything I should know as an incoming NS4 owner?
I´d came from (nearly all similar "Stage-Key" Stuff at the Market of the last 3 Decades incl. a PC2 and a SKX2, and after 2020=>) the MODX8+VR-09, Crumar7+MODX6 and later a VR-09 (actually had 2 VR-09) and NumaX73+MODX6. Before I (sold my Soul to have enough Money for it and) purchased the NS4. I´d also trained a bit with an used NordElectro5_73.
The main thing starting with the NS4 has been: investing enough time (I guess more than 30hours over a few weeks in total) CLEARING THE FACTORY PROGRAMS AND SAMPLES (after checking them for subjective usable or even interesting stuff to keep of course) and bring in only those Sounds, I really need or found valueable. I´d (really) checked all available stuff on the Nord Sample Archives (even the Archive V1) and also the most popular Packages available in the net. I´d sampled all my still available Keys from D-50 over GENOS to XP-80 for those Sounds, which "made" those Keys for me. AFTER that, "my Nord is my Home" and actually I don´t need further Keys on Stage or during productions (but an A-800 as Organ-Keybed above the Hammer-Key-Nord and a Fantom-0 for some "strange&new" stuff in back in the studio). The more time you spend conceptualizing the RAM of your Nord, the more Endorfine you´ll get. In my opinion that´s the main key to it - I don´t need 1000 Sounds onstage, but the 100 real ones that make the day for my subjective thinking...
The second thing for me was: ignoring all those Hints on internet-forums, that blame the Nord for not having these or those options. Don´t ask for missing features, but find your qay with the available ones. Nord did a really good Job and created a new kind of Keyboard with his Sould, Blood and crushed Diamonds in (as I look at the price). In reslut / comparing Nord with the long-time-established Products, there are new Intentions for long-years and well-trodden paths. You need to open your eyes for new options to reach YOUR thing, instead searching for common functions. Take / give you time - every Minute you spend working with the Instrument in peace at Home will get you nearer to it. The Nord can replace your MODX, your PC4 or your SK Pro, but in the end it is a Nord - if you let it. Your happyness is just a question of perspective here...
And as a hint:
I always preach, that in this world and deep inside a Keyboardist will always want to have at least 2 keys - a Hammer- and a Synth-Keybed above. But if you wanna use only one "Floor", you have to decide wise. I took the Hammer-Key NS4_73 and I´m am very happy with. It depends on your playing and your most used Sounds. The Nord Waterfall-keybed is also genious - I love it since I´d played Organ on a NS2-Waterfall. But you need to make a choice. I miss the waterfall one a bit, but actually I just sold my NE6_61 as upper key, cause the NS4_73 has a really heavenly Hammer-Action and make the most of the needed Hammond-Thing for me (and for the fast runs, I put an A-800 or the VR-09 as controler-key above - maybe I´ll take the Fantom-0 soon). Those unweighted Roland Entry-Workstation-Keybeds give me the most (again subjective) feel of the old M100...
... an I add some other feelings for the NS4_73:
- the FX-Section with seperate availiability for each section lifts the Nord to a higher level
- the Rotary is good, but cannot reach a NeoVentilator (but I work with the internal solution most of the time)
- the Keybed feels similar to the mechanical Yamaha-Upright in my local Music-Store (it lives)
- no way to find out my favourite Piano Sound from reading reviews (only hard work; rehearsals and tryings leading to the goal)
- finally I have a good aftertouch again, but today I cannot decide programming it or the wheel again
- I had a problem and need my unit to be replaced - Dealer and Manufacturer assist well and made it easy as I expected for 5000€-Unit
- with this experience / a defect unit: You ALWAYS need a quick and ready backup-solution (in my case a NE5_73 / RD-300GX)
- I need a smart light-spot onstage to find all the desired knobs and faders in the dark
- the buttons and knobs are very close to the Keybed - untrained extatic (Organ) Solos with lots of hand-movings could lead to unexpected changes
- 16,4 Kg are still a heavy weight
- the original SoftCase is expensive, but is doing a great job
- own Sampling makes your Nord even more individual
Okay - so far about me and my NS4_73.
Without the two main intentions of clearing the RAM first and be open for new and different handling,
I would be unhappy with the delivered Sounds and searching for my old ways to reach goals
- and surely had already sold it again... With those two things taken into account, I' m happy today...

The main thing starting with the NS4 has been: investing enough time (I guess more than 30hours over a few weeks in total) CLEARING THE FACTORY PROGRAMS AND SAMPLES (after checking them for subjective usable or even interesting stuff to keep of course) and bring in only those Sounds, I really need or found valueable. I´d (really) checked all available stuff on the Nord Sample Archives (even the Archive V1) and also the most popular Packages available in the net. I´d sampled all my still available Keys from D-50 over GENOS to XP-80 for those Sounds, which "made" those Keys for me. AFTER that, "my Nord is my Home" and actually I don´t need further Keys on Stage or during productions (but an A-800 as Organ-Keybed above the Hammer-Key-Nord and a Fantom-0 for some "strange&new" stuff in back in the studio). The more time you spend conceptualizing the RAM of your Nord, the more Endorfine you´ll get. In my opinion that´s the main key to it - I don´t need 1000 Sounds onstage, but the 100 real ones that make the day for my subjective thinking...
The second thing for me was: ignoring all those Hints on internet-forums, that blame the Nord for not having these or those options. Don´t ask for missing features, but find your qay with the available ones. Nord did a really good Job and created a new kind of Keyboard with his Sould, Blood and crushed Diamonds in (as I look at the price). In reslut / comparing Nord with the long-time-established Products, there are new Intentions for long-years and well-trodden paths. You need to open your eyes for new options to reach YOUR thing, instead searching for common functions. Take / give you time - every Minute you spend working with the Instrument in peace at Home will get you nearer to it. The Nord can replace your MODX, your PC4 or your SK Pro, but in the end it is a Nord - if you let it. Your happyness is just a question of perspective here...
And as a hint:
I always preach, that in this world and deep inside a Keyboardist will always want to have at least 2 keys - a Hammer- and a Synth-Keybed above. But if you wanna use only one "Floor", you have to decide wise. I took the Hammer-Key NS4_73 and I´m am very happy with. It depends on your playing and your most used Sounds. The Nord Waterfall-keybed is also genious - I love it since I´d played Organ on a NS2-Waterfall. But you need to make a choice. I miss the waterfall one a bit, but actually I just sold my NE6_61 as upper key, cause the NS4_73 has a really heavenly Hammer-Action and make the most of the needed Hammond-Thing for me (and for the fast runs, I put an A-800 or the VR-09 as controler-key above - maybe I´ll take the Fantom-0 soon). Those unweighted Roland Entry-Workstation-Keybeds give me the most (again subjective) feel of the old M100...
... an I add some other feelings for the NS4_73:
- the FX-Section with seperate availiability for each section lifts the Nord to a higher level
- the Rotary is good, but cannot reach a NeoVentilator (but I work with the internal solution most of the time)
- the Keybed feels similar to the mechanical Yamaha-Upright in my local Music-Store (it lives)
- no way to find out my favourite Piano Sound from reading reviews (only hard work; rehearsals and tryings leading to the goal)
- finally I have a good aftertouch again, but today I cannot decide programming it or the wheel again
- I had a problem and need my unit to be replaced - Dealer and Manufacturer assist well and made it easy as I expected for 5000€-Unit
- with this experience / a defect unit: You ALWAYS need a quick and ready backup-solution (in my case a NE5_73 / RD-300GX)
- I need a smart light-spot onstage to find all the desired knobs and faders in the dark
- the buttons and knobs are very close to the Keybed - untrained extatic (Organ) Solos with lots of hand-movings could lead to unexpected changes
- 16,4 Kg are still a heavy weight
- the original SoftCase is expensive, but is doing a great job
- own Sampling makes your Nord even more individual
Okay - so far about me and my NS4_73.
Without the two main intentions of clearing the RAM first and be open for new and different handling,
I would be unhappy with the delivered Sounds and searching for my old ways to reach goals
- and surely had already sold it again... With those two things taken into account, I' m happy today...

... onstage since '78 on the endless (?) hunt for the perfect stage keyboard...
Current Gear: NS4_73 - Crumar7 - Roland Fantom-06 / VR-09 / RD-300GX - Yamaha PSR-SX900 / MX49
Former Gear: ... too much...
Current Gear: NS4_73 - Crumar7 - Roland Fantom-06 / VR-09 / RD-300GX - Yamaha PSR-SX900 / MX49
Former Gear: ... too much...
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Re: Tips/Tricks/Anything I should know as an incoming NS4 owner?
Hi Max,
First, my previous keyboards: Nord Stage 2, MODX7, Fantom 7, Montage M7.
I now own a Nord Stage 4 Compact, and I did a lot of research before pulling the trigger on it. So I wouldn't say there were any unpleasant surprises with it. I pretty much knew what to expect.
I do miss the bigger (touch) screens of the Montage/MODX and Fantom, which display 16 Performances (patches) per screen. Also, the Montage/MODX have a Live Set area which I found to be very useful.
Tip #1: Nords use the term Programs instead of what Montage/MODX call Performances.
With the Stage 4 you do have 8 "Live Mode" slots into which you can store 8 of your most-used Programs for instant access. To store your own Programs into the Live Mode area you just press Store -- Live Mode -- and then one of the 8 Live Mode Program buttons. It's that easy. If you make use of the Live Mode feature you must keep in mind that any changes made to any of those 8 Programs (while in Live Mode) are instantly saved.
For example, I've got Live Mode Program button 4 set up as my basic jazz organ Program. If I happen to set the rotary speaker speed to fast while on Live Mode Program button 4, switch to another Live Mode Program and then switch back to button 4 the rotary speaker speed will still be fast. The change was instantly saved.
Beyond Live Mode, when you want to store your own Programs you have to use one or more of the 8 Program Banks (labeled A through H). Each Bank has 8 "Pages" of slots and each Page has 8 slots (total of 64 slots per Bank). Each slot holds an entire Program. A Program includes every setting of the board: Sections, Effects, etc.
The Stage 4 comes with Banks A through F pre-filled with factory-created Programs. Banks G and H are initially empty. When I got my Stage 4 I decided to use Bank H to store my own customized Programs. I use Bank H Page 1 for various acoustic pianos, Bank H Page 2 for various electric pianos, Page 3 for organs, etc.
The Stage 4 does have the ability to copy and move Programs around the various Banks, but I would strongly suggest that you use this:
Tip #2: Download the Nord Sound Manager to a) rearrange Programs in your Banks, download new sounds to the instrument, delete unused samples and Programs, etc. etc. It will save you a lot of time.
When I first received my Stage 4 I went through all the factory Programs in Banks A through F and saved the ones I liked into Bank G (which was initially empty). Then I went through my "favorites" in Bank G and started moving them by category into Bank H (as I described above). In almost every instance, I modified some parameters of the factory sounds to my liking before saving them in my Bank H. For example, changing the reverb type or depth, perhaps adding new effects, etc.
I could go on, but I'll just leave you with one more tip:
Tip #3: Download the User Manual and read it. It is very well written and well organized.
To summarize, I do miss some of the features of my previous Montage/MODX and Fantom keyboards, but there is a lot to be said for the relative simplicity of the Stage 4. The control panel may initially appear intimidating but you will quickly discover that everything is logical and fairly intuitive.
I'm pretty sure you will love the Nord Stage 4. The sounds are wonderful and it is a joy to play.
Dennis B.
First, my previous keyboards: Nord Stage 2, MODX7, Fantom 7, Montage M7.
I now own a Nord Stage 4 Compact, and I did a lot of research before pulling the trigger on it. So I wouldn't say there were any unpleasant surprises with it. I pretty much knew what to expect.
I do miss the bigger (touch) screens of the Montage/MODX and Fantom, which display 16 Performances (patches) per screen. Also, the Montage/MODX have a Live Set area which I found to be very useful.
Tip #1: Nords use the term Programs instead of what Montage/MODX call Performances.
With the Stage 4 you do have 8 "Live Mode" slots into which you can store 8 of your most-used Programs for instant access. To store your own Programs into the Live Mode area you just press Store -- Live Mode -- and then one of the 8 Live Mode Program buttons. It's that easy. If you make use of the Live Mode feature you must keep in mind that any changes made to any of those 8 Programs (while in Live Mode) are instantly saved.
For example, I've got Live Mode Program button 4 set up as my basic jazz organ Program. If I happen to set the rotary speaker speed to fast while on Live Mode Program button 4, switch to another Live Mode Program and then switch back to button 4 the rotary speaker speed will still be fast. The change was instantly saved.
Beyond Live Mode, when you want to store your own Programs you have to use one or more of the 8 Program Banks (labeled A through H). Each Bank has 8 "Pages" of slots and each Page has 8 slots (total of 64 slots per Bank). Each slot holds an entire Program. A Program includes every setting of the board: Sections, Effects, etc.
The Stage 4 comes with Banks A through F pre-filled with factory-created Programs. Banks G and H are initially empty. When I got my Stage 4 I decided to use Bank H to store my own customized Programs. I use Bank H Page 1 for various acoustic pianos, Bank H Page 2 for various electric pianos, Page 3 for organs, etc.
The Stage 4 does have the ability to copy and move Programs around the various Banks, but I would strongly suggest that you use this:
Tip #2: Download the Nord Sound Manager to a) rearrange Programs in your Banks, download new sounds to the instrument, delete unused samples and Programs, etc. etc. It will save you a lot of time.
When I first received my Stage 4 I went through all the factory Programs in Banks A through F and saved the ones I liked into Bank G (which was initially empty). Then I went through my "favorites" in Bank G and started moving them by category into Bank H (as I described above). In almost every instance, I modified some parameters of the factory sounds to my liking before saving them in my Bank H. For example, changing the reverb type or depth, perhaps adding new effects, etc.
I could go on, but I'll just leave you with one more tip:
Tip #3: Download the User Manual and read it. It is very well written and well organized.
To summarize, I do miss some of the features of my previous Montage/MODX and Fantom keyboards, but there is a lot to be said for the relative simplicity of the Stage 4. The control panel may initially appear intimidating but you will quickly discover that everything is logical and fairly intuitive.
I'm pretty sure you will love the Nord Stage 4. The sounds are wonderful and it is a joy to play.
Dennis B.
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Re: Tips/Tricks/Anything I should know as an incoming NS4 owner?
I also come from the Motif universe, and still I must say those were damn capable instruments. I miss the design and the keybeds.
Nevertheless, I never regretted switching and am convinced you will also.
Some word of advice (partly covered by the previous good posts):
I also come from the Motif universe, and still I must say those were damn capable instruments. I miss the design and the keybeds.
Nevertheless, I never regretted switching and am convinced you will also.
Some word of advice (partly covered by the previous good posts):
- Indeed, read the manual. I can't stress this enough. This is a damn fine instrument, once you know how it works. It is not always 100% intuitive but once you figure it out, some things are just awesomely simple (Pitch bend range, copy & paste - usually with the touch of two fingers). And, different from the Chinese-based manufacturers, Nord has really learned how to write a decent manual that actually is no "pain in the @ss" reading. READ IT.
- Pay attention to how the keyboard works. It is completely different from the NS2 or NS3 (no Section A and B any more, instead layers that are always present). Also here: Read the manual, for example the implementaiton of the Scene mode is something so simple but so helpful.
- Honestly, the (semi-weighted) keybed is not the top of the best. Motif was directer, crunchier. I read you get an 88, so no issue for you.
- You will not have the 100% accuracy of multisampled instruments in other products (Roland, Korg, ... ) Nord Samples are one sample per note. After some years of Nord I must say: I don't care. Still, Nord's one-sampled instruments are in many occasions more powerful than Gigabytes of multisampled Roland instruments. The only area where I see an inconvenience are very special instruments like Brass Sections etc, those usually benefit from different expression forms while playing different dynamics. But again: my bandmates are regularly blown away by the sonic capabilities of the NS4 (is it the A/D converters? I have no idea), and my other bandmate that switches with me in case of non-availabilities plays a Motif ES.
- Most annoying thing is the lack of Song mode / organizing programs for a gig. This is a real downer for me, while it will never trigger me to switch to another instrument (the NS4 is too awesome for that). Nord has improved the synth section with curve graphics etc, but still is (too) simple in my eyes when it comes to Patch organization. My tip if you are playing in a Top40-Band with changing setlists or - worse - in different bands is: Get an App like BandHelper or SetListMaker and control your programs through Cell/Tablet-to-NordStage USB Midi, with the benefit of adding Lyrics or Chords or Notes if you need that. If you stick mostly to a fixed setlist, this may not be an issue
Last edited by christianjwagner on 16 Mar 2025, 08:43, edited 1 time in total.
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- cphollis
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Re: Tips/Tricks/Anything I should know as an incoming NS4 owner?
I wish I hadn't waited so long? Really, I was kicking myself afterwards ...
1. Voice stacking: more voices with better control, I'll do a lot of fade-in/fade-out with the layers. I'd invest time here.
2. Per-voice FX: need I say more? A deep world of layering awaits. More time invested.
3. "Playing" the faders -- there's a lot you can now do here.
4. The perceived lack of Song Mode held me back, in practice it turned out to be a nothingburger.
5. Lots of complaints here about midi handling, doesn't affect me
Originally, I thought I'd hang on to my NS3C for a while after upgrading, maybe use it for casual gigs, etc.
Nope. The NS4 was so much better I didn't want to play the NS3 anymore, so it got sold quickly.
I think I have gear issues ....
- Mighty Motif Max
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Re: Tips/Tricks/Anything I should know as an incoming NS4 owner?
Thank you all for the detailed responses. Placed my order yesterday for the HA88...looking forward to it (and the upright pianos in particular)!

On the note with the MODX/Fantom, I still have both and typically have a two-board rig, so my general rig is going to be the NS4 underneath my MODX7, which should round out most of the weaker areas. I enjoyed using an NS3 with my MODX at a large conference gig last year (pictured in my avatar), so this should be even better.

Thank you - I have already gone through the sample library (V4 back to the V1 archive which I downloaded back when it was briefly online) and piano library and made a nice spreadsheet of what I plan to load into the memory. Planning on pretty much clearing it out and starting from scratch after checking the factory programs.ebrown88 wrote: ↑03 Mar 2025, 18:15 ...
Tip #2: Download the Nord Sound Manager to a) rearrange Programs in your Banks, download new sounds to the instrument, delete unused samples and Programs, etc. etc. It will save you a lot of time.
When I first received my Stage 4 I went through all the factory Programs in Banks A through F and saved the ones I liked into Bank G (which was initially empty). Then I went through my "favorites" in Bank G and started moving them by category into Bank H (as I described above). In almost every instance, I modified some parameters of the factory sounds to my liking before saving them in my Bank H. For example, changing the reverb type or depth, perhaps adding new effects, etc.
To summarize, I do miss some of the features of my previous Montage/MODX and Fantom keyboards, but there is a lot to be said for the relative simplicity of the Stage 4. The control panel may initially appear intimidating but you will quickly discover that everything is logical and fairly intuitive.

On the note with the MODX/Fantom, I still have both and typically have a two-board rig, so my general rig is going to be the NS4 underneath my MODX7, which should round out most of the weaker areas. I enjoyed using an NS3 with my MODX at a large conference gig last year (pictured in my avatar), so this should be even better.
Pro Gear: Nord: Stage 4 88 | Yamaha: MODX7, YS200 | Roland: Fantom 7 EX, JV-1000 | Kurzweil: PC3-76 | Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Technics: WSA1R | Controllers: Launchkey 37 MK3, Keylab 61 MKII | Akai: MPC One+
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Re: Tips/Tricks/Anything I should know as an incoming NS4 owner?
I'm interested to hear why having no more song mode wasn't an issue for you? It's essential to the way I use my stage 3, to the point where I can't really justify getting a 4. I play in a bunch of different bands, and they often change their setlists around and each song often has 3 or more patches or splits.cphollis wrote: ↑04 Mar 2025, 14:23I wish I hadn't waited so long? Really, I was kicking myself afterwards ...
1. Voice stacking: more voices with better control, I'll do a lot of fade-in/fade-out with the layers. I'd invest time here.
2. Per-voice FX: need I say more? A deep world of layering awaits. More time invested.
3. "Playing" the faders -- there's a lot you can now do here.
4. The perceived lack of Song Mode held me back, in practice it turned out to be a nothingburger.
5. Lots of complaints here about midi handling, doesn't affect me
Originally, I thought I'd hang on to my NS3C for a while after upgrading, maybe use it for casual gigs, etc.
Nope. The NS4 was so much better I didn't want to play the NS3 anymore, so it got sold quickly.
- cphollis
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- Your Nord Gear #1: Nord Stage 4
- Your Nord Gear #2: Nord Piano 5
- Location: Vero Beach, Fl
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Re: Tips/Tricks/Anything I should know as an incoming NS4 owner?
I use my NS4C across several projects that are always shuffling the setlist. Most of my tunes use one program, some use two and I think there's one that uses three. I use a naming convention that embeds a numeral (e.g. "2BoyzOfSummer") that indicates sequence in the song so they're easy to keep together when reorganizing.
I forget how many program slots there are, but I'm using a few hundred of them with no problem and am in no danger of running out. Most of the heavy lifting has moved to the section presets (organ/piano/synth) where I've amassed a sizable collection of my favorites. Creating new programs becomes much faster when you're re-using familiar components.
Is it *exactly* like the NS3? No, actually it's better when you're working on newer tunes and trying different things out.
I forget how many program slots there are, but I'm using a few hundred of them with no problem and am in no danger of running out. Most of the heavy lifting has moved to the section presets (organ/piano/synth) where I've amassed a sizable collection of my favorites. Creating new programs becomes much faster when you're re-using familiar components.
Is it *exactly* like the NS3? No, actually it's better when you're working on newer tunes and trying different things out.
I think I have gear issues ....