Help! Blacking out my Nord Stage 3

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Help! Blacking out my Nord Stage 3

Post by howardeastwood »

Hey guys.

Long time since posting on here.

I’m looking for some help as to how to ‘black out’ my Nord Stage 3 88.

I’ve seen multiple examples over the years from various bands, but have never figured out how this is actually achieved.

Are there any posts that anybody is aware of with tutorials/examples how this is done? I’d ideally love for not only the front plate to be blacked out, but also the wood panels too.

Is it easily done?

Many thanks
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Re: Help! Blacking out my Nord Stage 3

Post by MartinJ2EX »

I’ve already started creating overlays for my System-8 and created a post thinking about doing something similar for Nords (see General Nord “Custom Overlays Ditch the Red?”)
I’ll send you a pm
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